Research to Prevent Blindness

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About RPB

About Us

funding to many leading scientific institutions in the U.S. and support the work of hundreds of talented vision scientists engaged in a diverse range

Mission and History

About Us

hundreds of millions of dollars to medical institutions conducting that work and has consistently played crucial roles in the development of today's vibrant

Grants Overview


novel artificial cornea.  At many research institutions, RPB's support creates a multiplier effect. Unrestricted departmental grants can be used

RPB Research Database


major eye research funding to leading scientific institutions in the U.S. and supports the work of hundreds of talented vision scientists engaged in a

For the Media

About Us

vision loss; and providing funding for medical institutions throughout the U.S. to create strong departments of ophthalmology. Financial support for

Hope through Research: Diabetic Retinopathy

Resources RPB Vision Resources Diabetic Retinopathy

researchers collaborating with others at several institutions.  Getting new drugs to market usually takes a number of years and the collaboration

Short History of RPB

About Us Mission and History

  22 medical research institutions receive RPB unrestricted grant support, including New York University, which expedites the use of a laser to repair


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